Thursday, December 02, 2004
i had my own small series of endings though. every paper seemed like one to me. there goes maths, zoom i mentally throw my formulaes outta the window, poof! and i spit on my econs notes (mentally). BAM! and i ended history with a small bang. but there was never really THE proper swansong eh? no graduation, no last day honeyed speeches from our form teacher, no hugging and kissing and crying and bye bying. i even have a hundred occassions of a "this is the last day i'm wearing my school uniform."
am going for an interview tml at JTC. $6 an hr, god i wish i can find a better deal than that. nvm.. patience is the key. classifieds has become my new best friend. but there you go.. we call this limbo "aimlessness". it's on everybody's lips these past few initial happy weeks post A's.
today i went back to hwa chong to clear out my locker and shit. hwa chong.. come to think about it, it is a lovely name. school was emptied. nah i shan't wax lyrical about the happy times i've had. shan't tell you how excessively monstrous the building is; i actually got lost on the first day of school. shant rail about the trainings i've endured and the muddiness in the stanking dank rank hot fields of mud sweat and blood (literally). shan't reminisce about the people, the teachers, the lessons. shan't tell you how i teared when i walk past those gates today with nobody to say gdbye to.
but amidst my many endings, today was the only one which i actually whispered a half voluble goodbye. i guess you can make your own ending after all
Joyce Lim unzipped at 8:16 PM with 0 comments
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