Thursday, May 04, 2006
chug-a-chug-chug. now's my turn to experience the excruciatingly torturous day wait before the beginning of freedom. heavy are my lids, drained is my strength, and sitting high in the sky on Level 11th of the National Library isn't helping. so clinically white are the walls, clear and painless is the glass, i think time travels in a much different fashion when your above the ground and beneath the clouds.
and i think back to a certain day, a certain sunday, a certain post glitzy night, and i think of you, studying mere three feet from me, and them, chugging out interview questions for Stella Kon, while I, gazing out the same windowless glass and picturing the night before.
so as i gaze out now in the same fashion do i wish for the sublime again where you once took me numberless above the changing streets and fickle lights. i wish for happiness of the liberating kind. the augmenting of the spirit, the widening of the senses, not for surprises (well.. maybe once in a while heh) which contracts the heart in astonishments too much to handle. You know what i mean? i want the laughing kind, the vastness and the spilling over of dimensions; in other words i want Burstful, i don't want just full.
hmmm, i want to go home to sleep.
my thoughts on the election..
on Progress packages payout which i clearly am not YET entitled to receive:
on SDP's Ms Chee:
pap ask you for clear concise economic, political, welfare and social policies to counter theirs but you, quick on your feet, turned a question into another question citing it's the government's duty to propose such policies not you. Bravo Bravo, what a fricking smart move. no wonder i always thought SDP was all mudslinging, all talk and no action party.
on Pap's sledgehammer tactics:
so you can sledgehammer people, other people sledgehammer you cannot la. must sue la. ok la you win la.
On issues i thought opposition could have sledgehammered back:
1. dear MM and PM, please don't make politics your familial playing ground.
2. Temasek Holdings.
3. where's my political broadcast? if you have one i must have one!
4. i thought walk-abouts should be an everyday affair, not only during elections time.
5. Comeon man, play the ideology game.
bloody hell la i really going home now. forget the elegaic litany of exams ending and freedom beginning. Two words. fuck exams. Joyce Lim unzipped at 4:00 PM with 0 comments
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