Friday, July 07, 2006
Frankly i've been abit out of touch with writing testimonials and personal statements and references. A check with an old folder revealed i have at least a template to work with (thank God), but that was my letter to the unis in the UK written during my A levels.
And then it overwhelms me again. sigh. soul pathetique.
Hong said she started her exchange program personal statement saying why she chose NUS over others. I guess that is smart. No coordinator giving you a place overseas would like to see NUS students blaspheming NUS.
So i drew up a mental list of all the cliched stupid things that would suck up to these NUS coordinators. Like, i chose NUS because of its top 20 ranking. It is well respected, has great professors, great opportunities for undergraduates to pursue a variety of programs and integrated learning, across cultures and countries blah blah blah...
But really i didn't want to go there. I only went there because where's a humanities JC student supposed to go, after she's been denied a place in NUS law, and doesn't have the financial means to take up her offers overseas, but to the only well established Arts faculty in Singapore that is NUS.
i feel i should be honest. "I want this place so badly because i would be extremely bitter at being rejected a second time at a chance for overseas learning. It doesn't take much to demoralise a person."
well hey, that's personal shit dude.
and a hiatus from blogging commences. Joyce Lim unzipped at 2:42 PM with 0 comments
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