Friday, September 22, 2006
i told him "you siao ah. i will learn myself."
I really do want to write a commentary on the musical but i'm too sleepy to think. But, watching The Sound of Music the day before doesn't make for good criticism. In the end i turn out biased inside out and wish for tiny little julie andrews to pop out of potentially pregnant mothers soon so we can all listen to how a song's supposed to be sung. All i can say is that i was no where close to tears by the end of it, and staying dry eyed at the end of shows doesn't really work that way for me generally.
so now, photos. and just in case you condemn me for being narcissistic again remember that the word really originated from the greek word narkissos (narcissus), which happened to be the name of a mythological greek boy who got so obsessed with his reflection in the water that he died. like wtf? "you siao ah?"
ie, males started it. don't always heap the vanity issues on us females. =)
Joyce Lim unzipped at 1:58 AM with 0 comments
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