Saturday, August 20, 2005

chasing tales

tis a good night for coffee, and sugarcult songs and heartwrenching gut twisting words with meaningless meanings. i want to write proper tonight but i find little incentive to. inertia has lost steam somehow.
but maybe i shall just leave you with something for midnight surmises.

our pastor told us today: Good things are enemies with the best.

was telling hongy that if i'd never broken up with him two years ago i'd never have gotten started on blogging. and it would be utterly regrettable. a great loss i mused because i've realised how much i love writing. i like the simple pleasures of drawing the curtains and settling down for a good read of my old blog. and i can sincerely assure myself that over the past two years i've watched myself grown so much inwardly, metaphorically and literally as i penciled my life inbetween virtual pages.

so there you go. perhaps i was wrong to say that my trenchant haunting relationship stemmed from the first time in sec 2 when i filtered out a selective name and got myself involved for so long. perhaps the momentous point came when it was time for him to leave me, and i, to let go. that's how i got started you know.
blogging that is. or writing..

pain does evoke such exquisite eloquence. it sucks you dry because you have to delve within the corest of core to find the apposite of expressions to beautifully express your pain. that's why i say wallowing is great fun.

ah well.. another night for coffee and sugarcults songs and heartbreaking lyrics.

Joyce Lim unzipped at 10:12 PM with 0 comments
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