Friday, September 30, 2005

fix me

lights will guide you home
hmm, how apt. how very soothing. listening to the same lisping sounds my dad makes when he tells a story. watching old school cartoons, eating alphabet macaroni, watching mouldy videotapes of mickey mouse's take on Valentine.
all the things i used to do, or take notice of.

i used to cycle, lots. i don't now. not as much. t'was tough, but i got the hang of it eventually. i was, what, eight? when my dad took the back two wheels off and made me learn how to. i feared falling, but the 25 yards or so of free motion, which multiplied itself sometimes disproportionately, kept me from quitting.
then i rollerbladed. nine, stupid, with full knees to fall down on. funny, but i never recalled how it was that i learnt how to blade, this came naturally, almost.
monkeybars and pullup bars were my next "in" thing. skipping a bar was admirable but skipping two earned you recognition in the field. that's how i spent my primary 4 recess, i couldn't care less about calluses. i'd sit on top of the bar chewing biscuits, just to prove i was just as good as any other boy.
what a pain in the ass i was then.

how have i changed since hmm? i can't tell, because most of my friends still treat me like a baby, too pampered and spoilt still.
tears streaming, and i wonder if i've changed or if the rest of the world has, leaving me callously behind. down the dusty road i run, back to your arms. Lights, lights and more lights.

i like Coldplay's latest single. it strikes a heartrending chord, because i once wrote a poem. god, it feels like eternity but the sweetest ache still leave their bruises under my skin. of love gained and love lost; i felt i needed darkness to turn clarity into lucidity.

so.. lights will guide me home huh..
here's my take on that:

Life is full of iridescent lights
Which enchant me
Lure me
Tempt me

Into self betrayal and jadedness
But no more
Swath a black cloth
Over my eyes

I shall not see
What the road has in store for me
I'm too young to fall
Too young to fall Again

So open up my eyes
When i'm ready to see again
And step into pure untainted light
Amidst the lights of long ago.

i like this, when memories and words and emotions coalesce, igniting a whole new experience transcending even yourself.

Goodnight world.

ps, i wish there's so much more to everything else.

Joyce Lim unzipped at 11:29 PM with 2 comments
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joyce i just want to say
something about you drives something in me absolutely nuts, in a beautiful way.
i don't know what to say, rather taken aback.

this--> :)
should suffice
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