Monday, September 20, 2004


no i haven't forgotten. you will be my best best best best PGF. don't be an idiot.

here's an entry before you go. i've said all there is to say actually now words elude me. so yes take care of yourself. haha what else this time i'll fuss.

dear yan i know you won't really care but..
drink more water
don't stay up late
don't spend your money where it hurts
don't drink
don't smoke when others aren't smoking
don't club so much
dearie don't give me that look that "go away la don't disturb me" screwed up smile.

be hopelessly wicked. kick ass up there in london and charm many pretty girls with your glib tongue and diet problems and serious issues. haha

someday when i'm awfully low
when the world is cold
i will feel a glow
just thinking of you,
muffled up in kitty
mittens and swathed thick
with scarves and a
not so awesome ponytail.
alright alright your fly
your so cool and shit
i don't agree
you know that
and i don't care much.
reality sinks in
like a bomb ticking
with 1 second to go. when
we've hardly had time
to notice your presence
of absence. i wish
i could say i'll
join you next year.
i wish you'd say
i'll be waiting for you
and really mean it.
c'est la vie.
much love mate
thump your chest and go
"respect" cos i
have tonnes,

Joyce Lim unzipped at 8:14 PM with 1 comments
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thankew dearie :)
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