Thursday, September 02, 2004
i'm sorry. sorry that your stupid. i asked my friend for another word that day that also means something remotely like "stupid".. guess what he replied. one word should suffice he said "nick".
indeed i'm sorry that your name and your whole personality in general should be synonymous with such a dehumanising and insulting label.
is it any surprise why i should feel intellectually superior? especially when it comes to you?
i'm sorry that your the stupidest guy in the entire world. i'm sorry that you draw liquid into the mouth by movements of the tongue and lips creating some kinda suction force with a thick vacuum in between. to put in simplier terms. you suck. and that's a pun BY THE WAY. i don't believe your punitive brain could ever notice that.
you see nick.. you know why i pigeon-hole you with such angsty ferocity? your stupid because even after i copied and pasted the entire definition of the word "sophist", you still couldn't comprehend in even the most minute form that the word "sophist" had a negative connotation to it. and you had the audacity and the face to come ask me things like why am i so proud and egoistical calling myself a sophist. well well my dear nick.. obviously i was insulting myself. but then again.. you couldn't have known that even if you tried.
so you see my pet, why do you come here and betray your want of intelligence and cerebellum growth. obviously your shortchanged in that department. if i don't take myself seriously then who should i look to? well definitely not you that's for sure. and why should i take a leaf out of xiaxue's book? i am not her. and i never said that my "loyal readers" had to be my offline friends. what i meant was that if you wanted to make spiteful allegations about me or my writing in particular, you could at least validate your supposedly veracious comments by at least being a frequent reader of my blog, hence justifying your claim as to why i'm so-and-so because i said this-and-this. but you don't, instead you draw the most obtuse conclusions and yet again make the same silly and nugatory ramblings such as these that piss me off and at the same time provide me with a daily dose of amusing voyeurism. it's ironic how when you get a peek into my life, i get a peek into your hollow world at the same time. sadly, it's not a place i'd like to live in. so i'm sorry. again.
now you must try to understand, really please, work some grey matter here and ATTEMPT to understand that i don't usually do this. in fact this is my first time typing an entire entry to someone hoping to kill him with my words. but there's always a first i guess. but i do appreciate your comments. really i do! it spices up my day, and that's an understatement by the way. actually i am rather abashed at the fact that i'm wasting my precious time away participating in useless words of war. i do see that it is unconstructive and utterly pointless. but i do see the need to finally get this off my chest. it's one thing to be stupid. it's anothing thing to come here and flaunt it off pretending you don't know.
my darling nick. i surfed through and picked up useful words you might want to learn in the future. brainless, foolish, ridiculous, doltish, inane, imbecile, ill-witted, half-witted, witless, underprivileged, retarded, nutty, dotty, potty... and the list goes on.
so i'm sorry. again.. i'm sorry for being such a bitch to you. sorry i had to bitch about your nonsensical constipated ignorance for the whole world to see. and it's not like i'm very proud of it you know. but apparently you are, and i shall not attempt to burst your bubble.
so i shall leave you with a justified syllogism here. according to my friend whom i mentioned earlier, he said your name is an auxiliary word of "stupid". and so.. the only conclusion i can draw from this is that... YOU.ARE.
i rest my case
Joyce Lim unzipped at 10:35 PM with 1 comments
people who try to get you down with meaningless, thoughtless and pretentious remarks don't really matter. for the fleeting moment that they insult you, they feel brave. if only they'd point out your failings to you face-to-face! or only if they knew the whole story before commenting with such false assumptions.
as wat mr oscar wilde once said, 'a true friend stabs you in front.' (or somethin like that) assuming that the true friend knows the real you 'offline' of course.
hence, there isn't much of a point of a flamin rebuttal to these strangers, is there. since their 'suggestions' are worthless anyway.
to hell with them. focus on those who truly care.
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as wat mr oscar wilde once said, 'a true friend stabs you in front.' (or somethin like that) assuming that the true friend knows the real you 'offline' of course.
hence, there isn't much of a point of a flamin rebuttal to these strangers, is there. since their 'suggestions' are worthless anyway.
to hell with them. focus on those who truly care.