Tuesday, August 23, 2005
i could never never ever know, feel, comprehend the storm of turbulence that wrecks her soul as her heart sobs convulsively. but i can guess.
if ever i were to be face with a calamity like this,.. god i don't know.
i would doubt, and question my faith with the dogmatism and crazed obsession akin to such of the nazis then break down and never emerge again. what words, what words could i possibly transcribe at this point in time. it would be a pitiful show of empathy. and can i just now question God on her behalf? a paradox, and blunder of contradictions, to take away someone's life when we wish it not to be so. and this.. for the purpose of your big glorifying plan.
we are but the figment of threads in your grand tapestry. so let us question and anger in bitterness, but God i pray you hold her close even as she finds nothing close to comfort. i pray you hold US, and assure ur of your mighty love even though it is too big for us to grasp.
God, the Father and God and Friend i know.
i pray you make all things new.
my shepherd king, watch over her and her family
i pray your angels surround them in the deepest night
Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Joyce Lim unzipped at 7:19 PM with 0 comments
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