Tuesday, October 25, 2005

trouble waking

this is another of my asinine posts.
i slept from 9pm yesterday to 10 am today! i missed tonnes of TV but who cares! i haven't slept so much in a long while. reminds me of the time i slept from afternoon to morning the next day because i was tired out from cross country hur hur.. it's funny but i don't take power naps anymore. i used to come home from school, have lunch at 2plus 3, then sleep till about 7pm.. sometimes it stretched till 11pm.. then i'll wake up for dinner, TV, and then sleep on till the next day when it was time to wake up for school..

homework was non-existent then if you knew me. they always say the biggest obstacles in student life are the O and A levels, uni life is just a breeze. my jc tutors told me that. but i think i'm doing more work/homework in uni than i've ever done in my sec and jc life. i don't even have time for me favourite afternoon naps anymore boohoo.

righto.. time for another nap.. sleeping too much makes me tired.

Joyce Lim unzipped at 12:06 PM with 0 comments
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