Monday, January 24, 2005
not that i have first hand experience, but i've seen photos. and they say a picture says a thousand words, does it not.
Joyce Lim unzipped at 9:45 PM with 6 comments
if subject has substantial credit, greenbacks and blank pieces of paper, if subject possesses abject wit, charm and sardonic humour. if he, (or she, if i may be permitted to say in this now less censored singaporean world), is topped with humilty but drenched with amazing musical and sports-related talents, wears eyes that are windows to his soul, sings a voice that reveals his heart so. if subject is highly attractive a la Jude Law, and knows the difference between a "sophist" and a "sophisticated". if subject boasts a quirky but spontaneous temperament that is very much acclimatized to the embarrassing things i do in public and beguiles a spirit very much inclined towards the absurd, funny and trivial. if subject were to know how to wine and dine, if he were to be 175cm tall and counting, who acquires washboard abs and tanned toned features through hours of sun drenched play, one who shares a deep proclivity for the english alphabet and literature. if subject contains a deep wild thrilling laughter, and a grin that melts hearts so, i should desire him, my jazz crooner; soul-wearer. if he is one who is romantic, sentimental, talkative, compassionate and insightful too; one who carries the same cross as i do. if he or she should so miraculously imprison all these virtuosities i have typed above, he/she should dial 999 for deliberately trying to hoodwink me into thinking there are no such people left anymore
so yes, i'm up for a date anytime after subject has been rounded up by the police for another "i'm the last available bachelor on the planet" prank call.
so yes, i'm up for a date anytime after subject has been rounded up by the police for another "i'm the last available bachelor on the planet" prank call.
me me me! but alas i'm not 175cm tall, and i only have a measly posb savings account to my name. would u deign to date me? can can? steady la!
hur hur. sorry dear i'm bored. and would all the anonymous(es? anonymi?) please own up!
hur hur. sorry dear i'm bored. and would all the anonymous(es? anonymi?) please own up!
heh the sisters. :) we could like triple date since hong needs one so much haha.
i'll see you V day my babe.
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i'll see you V day my babe.