Sunday, August 08, 2004
i bought an mp3 player. yes FINALLY. after all these years of waiting and waiting and pure mental torture and envy on my face whenever i see some young punk on the street looking delicious there with his mp3 player plugged into his face while he surfs down the road on a skateboard. i'd yell some telepathic waves to him through my zen mode.. sth like
" heyyy yo!! you! you with the headphones stuffed into your ears like mufflers with the music swinging and banging in your head while the silent world revolves around you. yes you babe... awwwww your looking good there. shall i trade some of my precious black locks for those mufflers of yours? it's a HUGE sacrifice i'm making. you know some people believe that when a person dies, he or she carries a lock of hair from their beloved to take with them to their graves? yeah.. you could take mine. and i could take your mp3 player......."
YES!!!!!!!!!! no more doing that. no more flirting with guys or girls (eeks imagine that!) who have mp3 players. NO MORE! your selfishness disgusts me! what's the whole idea of wering headphones huh huh huh? so you can't share your precious music with me right? so now i've bought a creative zen touch with 20 gig to boot and even though i've got ear plugs i'm never gonna share them with you!! hahahaha
yeah... initially that was what i felt after i bought it? but after that i regreted my decision. like what the hell! i just wasted $399 buying a stupid zen touch with 20 gig! hello i'm not even ZEN! i'm not the ORMMmmmmmmmm kinda person. what the hell am i supposed to do with 20 gig? cut some and distribute it among the poor????? who the hell has 10000 songs in their player anyway? and it's so BIG AND BULKY and it doesn't look as nice as the ipod mini. haiyah....... so there i was rattling away to hong while i could sense her rising incredulity. but i didn't care, i just kept complaining and whining away.
i guess this is one classic and very very very true example of how one can never ever be satisfied in whatever she gets. :)
now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to show my new zen touch to the world.
Joyce Lim unzipped at 12:58 PM with 0 comments
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